Video Cage Reservation Request
The Video Cage provides equipment for film/video sophomores, juniors, seniors, grad students, and non-majors in some classes.
Please use the link below to connect to the Video Cage Patron Portal to submit a reservation request.
Once submitted, the request will be reviewed. Following the review, a reply will be sent to your Mass Art email approving the request.
Please allow 24 hours for processing. You will be contacted if there are any problems with your request.
Requests are processed during normal business hours in the order that they are received
Please Note: The Boutique is open for check-out and return by reservation only. Equipment can be reserved for pickup and return by appointment only.
* Equipment limitations are in place with one kit, one camera per person, one tripod, etc. Other equipment limitations may also be in affect.
Equipment requested may not be available at the time you request it. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to your Mass Art e-mail address from the Video Cage
* Equipment packages over $5,000 will require insurance
Video Cage Appointment Hours
Book Equipment
Video Cage Contact
Joe Briganti